Gmail Unlock Captcha Iphone

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NO ANSWERS ANY WHERE THE CAPTHCHA IS JUST AN ISSUE GOOGLE REFUSES TO AGKNOWLEGE oh was i shouting must have been unconscious just like the help desk at google unconscious doesny anyone else notice that this supposed help is just alot of us with no input from google ie: a link to the fix or even suggested solutions the only way google seems to fix things is to ignore it until we users figure it out and then post the remedy for others to see, after wading thru pages of complaints. What they have forgotten is that by the time we us users figure it out we are either too frustrated or to tired or our time ran out the the remedy never gets posted so i guess weel just suffer come on google weed out the similar complaints find the sollution in the post copy and paste them on a hyperlink page. Are you hiring management cause some internal scrutinizing is warranted after reading these pages for a couple a days hogii 18.09.10 10:56. Refurbished Iphone 5 Unlocked Uk there. This isn't a reply either, just a sad note of agreement with the previous posts. I have to reset my password every day; finally got tired of this and hit 'help,' only to find a community of frustrated users with the same problem and no solutions. Oh yes, my password is consistently rated 'very strong,' so that can't be the issue.

Gmail Unlock Captcha Iphone