How To Get Phone Unlocked From Sprint

Purchasing an iPhone from a carrier is convenient, but it has its drawbacks. With the exception of Verizon which does not lock their 4G phones, most carriers, including Sprint, lock the phone to their network, forcing you to use your iPhone only on their network. Manga Studio 5 Keygen Only. If you want to switch, you have to meet certain minimum requirements and jump through hoops to get the carrier to unlock the phone. Where To Buy Unlocked Gsm Phones In Usa. Though not as easy as Verizon, Sprint is fairly flexible when it comes to unlocking your iPhone. Read on to find out how to unlock your iPhone if it is currently tied to Sprint. Iphone 5 Sprint Sim Card Unlocked.

Do I Need to Unlock my Sprint iPhone? Unlike Verizon, which has the most simple unlock policy (all phones are sold unlocked), Sprint has a confusing policy with different rules based on when you purchased your phone. Can Iphone 5 Be Unlocked To Tmobile.  If you purchased a new iPhone after February 2015, Sprint automatically unlocks your iPhone for domestic (within the US) use when it becomes eligible. You don’t have to contact customer service or make an unlock request; the unlock will be applied automatically. If you purchased your phone before February 2015, Sprint won’t unlock your phone automatically.

Instead, the carrier will notify you when your phone is eligible to be unlocked, and you must initiate an unlock request. Domestic and international unlocks are handled separately, so you need to make sure you complete both requests. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a phone that can be used internationally on any carrier but is still locked in the US. How do I unlock my iPhone on Sprint? Before Sprint will unlock your phone for domestic use, you have to meet several minimum criteria including: • The device is Domestic SIM Unlock capable • The device must be or have been active on the Sprint network for a minimum of 50 days • Any associated Service Agreement, Installment Billing Agreement, or Lease Agreement has been fulfilled including payment in full of any applicable early termination fees or end-of-lease purchase options.

Sprint How To Get Phone Unlocked From Network