Unlock Car Over Cell Phone

Unlock Car Door Over Cell Phone

What if you forgot your car keys and that keyless entry remote banded to them, how are you going to get in your car? Straight Talk Unlock Service Iphone there. Well, if you haven't forgotten your cell phone, too, you can call up someone who has access to that keyless remote, so you can unlock your car or truck via the wireless mobile phone! Yes, supposedly, with two phones and the keyless remote, you can unlock your car by having the person who has the remote press the button over their phone's microphone, which transmits the sound to the person's cell phone at the locked car, therefore unlocking the door because of the radio signal. Okay, this sounds ridiculous.?

How can the answer be improved? MythBusters - Cell Phone Car Remote Discovery. Can your remote car door opener unlock your vehicle through a cell phone signal?

You be the judge. Whether it's real or not, one thing's for sure— it still doesn't help you when it comes time to driving home. • Don't Miss. Here's the problem with the nay-sayers and the fellas over at Snopes. China Cell Phones Unlocked here. They're correct on one issue but ignoring the actual function at work here. Your phones microphone and speaker do not translate RF, that's correct. But your phone's RF modulators and receivers DO.

Phones use more than just one system to detect signal. Command And Conquer Red Alert 3 Keygen Download more. Especially if your phone is at all internet capable, it's picking up RF and IR and WiFi and Bluetooth and tin cans on strings and all sorts of stuff.